~ by Lolisha GLT Chaney
In this world there are builders and there are destroyers. Those that beautify, those that destroy, and those that rebuild what has been destroyed. There are people who wound and there are people who heal. There are people who sell drugs, and there are people who help you get off drugs. There are people who bring blight to an area, and there are those who bring blessing.
This world is a beautiful place full of people who make restoration their business. They jump in and lend a lifesaving hand. They clean what is dirty, heal what is broken, and save what is dying.
This is why there is no need to ever be without hope. In any given area of your life, for every negative, there exists a positive equivalent. If you have experienced toxic relationships, know that healthy people exist and are in the atmosphere to bring about a reversed condition. Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to see the damage in order to be receptive to repair.
There is no road of denial that leads to remedy, no current of deception that draws one to the safe shores of truth. This truth is – the destroyers never win. There is a cleanup crew ready to plant new trees in place of the old forest that burned down and paint over the graffiti left by vandals. There is even providence hidden in the fire that erased the forest. Certain trees depend on fire to provide what is needed for germination, and some animals thrive on the vegetation that grows from what was burned. In that same manner, destruction clears the path to a glorified reconstruction.
As loss makes room for the replacement of a better and brighter thing, so does an experience with a destroyer open one’s heart to the beauty of one who has come to restore.
Akeru – When someone leaves, akeru refers to the empty space that is created, the opening in which a new beginning can take place. It means to begin and to end – part of one never-ending cycle of renewal and healing.
~ Susan Anderson, The Journey from Abandonment to Healing
About the Author
Lolisha GLT Chaney is a freelance writer and inspirational speaker from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. As a depression survivor, she draws upon the wealth of knowledge gained from her journey to emotional wholeness. Lolisha has accepted the call to a higher lifestyle with a focus on helping others by telling her story with refreshing candor that resonates with the human experience. This work is used to inspire others to remodel their lives from the inside-out; getting life together, one thought at a time.